What Can Affect a Retaining Wall Design?

If your home can benefit from a retaining wall, you have likely been cruising potential retaining wall designs online and have a few in mind for your yard. It is great to be excited about a retaining wall, and they can accent a yard, but retaining walls do serve a purpose in most cases. They hold soil back, and your design not only should look good, but should help it do that purpose.

Before choosing a design, you need to consider if it will be feasible for your yard. There are a few things that can impact the function and construction of a retaining wall.

What Can Affect a Retaining Wall Design?

Potential Issues With Retaining Wall Construction

Before you settle on one design, it is best to get in touch with your contractor to make sure it is possible. By examining the below, you can anticipate any potential issues they may bring up with the design.

Utility Lines

Your first step should be to call your utilities to have your lines marked. In some cases, you may need to work around these lines in order to plan and construct a retaining wall.


You may or may not need a building permit for a retaining wall. It all depends on what height it will be. You will want to check your city code to see if you will need to get a permit or if you can avoid it.

Soil Type

The soil you have in your yard will play a large part in your design. If you have clay soil, it will need a stronger retaining wall than if you have sandy soil as the clay absorbs more water. The more water your soil holds, the heavier it will be.

Existing Vegetation

If you are building a retaining wall near large trees, you will either need to forgo the tree or the wall. They do not coexist well. While a root barrier can be installed to protect the wall, cutting the tree roots may very well kill the tree.

If you are considering a retaining wall, but can’t settle on a design, contact us today. Accurate Lawn Leveling can help you plan it out and get the best retaining wall designs for your yard installed.